so anyway...

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Re: so anyway...
Post # 7
I dont have any problem with that, I have been trying to figure it aot for a realy long time, but just dont ged it, and in the end of the day would I rather keep my integrity or get a passing grade (gues which one I would rather pick)
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Re: so anyway...
Post # 8
make or find a spell to help or increase your memory and creativity, im sure it would help. there are plenty of these spells on this site
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Re: so anyway...
Post # 9
I think, therefor I am.

Tell yourself you lack an aptitude for something and you'll never gain one. You'd be better off just telling yourself over and over again in your head that you 'CAN' learn these skills in a timely manner.

Yes, such magics exist, but are relatively pointless as past life knowledge is more fulfilling on a spiritual level and tends to come with age.

Maybe a confidence spell would be better. Some knowledge comes with a high price more often than not.

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Re: so anyway...
Post # 10

Pointless was harsh. Perhaps 'not suited to your purposes' would be a better way to state this? My apologizes. Its early and I haven't had my tea :D
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Re: so anyway...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
Every skill can be enhanced ,by understanding the ways you can improve it ,if you do not have the natural talent for it than others might have.Practice is also important,but understanding comes first.Think about it in similar way as you work with numbers.In writing you do not work with numbers ,but with words.Seek to understand how words come together in sentence and what effect they create.Learn to ask people' opinions and advises on how you can improve what you just have written.Being able to relate to people helps and improves your writing too.If I had so talented parents I would persist that they try to explain to me the techniques they use to show this inner talent.Talented writers have a certain way to see the world ,while connecting ideas and emotions, if you can understand and relate to their ways along with practicing daily you can develop some skill.
Visit your local library and read all available books about all different types of writing and all the techniques and tools writers use.You better start with creative one ,because this type of writing is the one that you need the most in your language exams and tasks.IQ is certainly something you inherit ,however you still need to hone it and develop it properly.For example my great-grandfather was notorious for knowing few languages and my family believes that it came really natural and easy for him.I can relate to that ,but I did have to spend endless hours reading ,writing ,translating and listening to can make a good use of this skill.My tutor always says that any good writer was and is very avid reader and I absolutely believe in that.Dealing only with math ,because it comes natural to you will not help you much in writing but reading and practicing would.Take additional writing classes if you can.They have been of great help to me.
On side note ,being able to tape in genetic memory is debatable concept ,but even if it was possible and you could do it, within the exam time ,instantly it will change your style tremendously.
My tutor knows my style of writing and if I am to develop another one out of blue ,she will simply assume I cheated and I will fail.Writers and English teachers look very carefully for personal writing style and they do get a good grasp of you as a person by the way you write.If this is to change so drastic, and so sudden they will be very suspicious that something shady went on.Last thing you want is your teacher observing you very closely all the time just because she/he could not figure the trick you used to achieve such a change of pattern.The improvement is better to be gradual and steady ,so it flies off the radar so to speak.
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Re: so anyway...
Post # 12
Oh I lack no confidence what so ever, most would say that im two confident, im not saying I cant, thats just what my teacher says
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Re: so anyway...
Post # 13
Oh sory didn't notice the second page, anyway what you said is weary wise, but just by the way my texts dont typically need improvements, I just dont get where. About where your supposed to put the komas ( , ) and other stuf like that, ofcorse my grammar is horrible but thats mostly in English (it sounds like you thought that I whas talking aboat the text in general
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Re: so anyway...
By: / Novice
Post # 14
Funny that your spelling and punctuation gets worse; as if seeming to prove your point. Magick will not help you here. Some education is needed, and by all means get some. It is easy, once you understand how and why a comma goes here and an exclamation point goes there. It is a matter of learning, not remembering someone's schooling from the past. Go to a class specifically for this. There are plenty of them out there. BB
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Re: so anyway...
Post # 15
I do understand why, I just dont notice when, and dude it whas just a simple question aboat genetic memory, and has a scientific base, whell if you call a scientific hypothesis a base
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Re: so anyway...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 16
guardleone ,I based my post on my initial assessment of your writing skills in terms of sentence construction ,clarity and less on grammar because I do not know you personally.Your grammar is really bad ,but your writing skills are pretty much lacking too.You seem to not be able to convey precisely and clearly your thoughts and feeling using words.I have concluded this after carefully reading your posts so far.You seem to not understand how pauses work in a conversation.Grammar can be learn very easy because it is simply a set of established rules.Learning to write creatively ,precisely ,appropriately for any topic and genre requires not only talent ,but also years if not decades of developing skills and techniques.
It is apparent that you are oblivious that you lack in other areas rather than grammar.Grammar and punctuation are the last things your English teacher checks for.They look mainly for sentence structure ,organization,lay out,appropriate style and language used for the specific genre,creativity ,clarity and so on.
You will never get good grade in writing, if you executed perfect grammar and punctuation, and in same time wrote something bland and unclear ,or did not employ the right structure and format.
I loose point or two for punctuation ,but should I write unclear and bland I will simply fail and get F or D.
Currently ,grammar and punctuation are your last problems, judging by my observations here.
Unfortunately, I have to be harsh and tell you the truth ,so you can realize there is an issue that you need to work on ,for you did not get my initial hint.Good writer/reader should be perfectly able to read between the words ,while conducting more than few inductions and inferences.
You do not need to tell me that there is certain issue for me to spot it out and appoint it out .As I mentioned your way of writing reveals a lot for what kind of person you are ,your style,your skills in communication and cognitive behavior, along with your level of self-evaluation.
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