
CovenFirst Path ► Meditation
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Post # 1
This is a basic form of meditation,that is pretty easy to do.Just get rid of any preconceived notions you may have about what it is supposed to be,or how long you should do it.
1. The light cocoon 1. Sit comfortably, with your feet on the floor. You don't need much, just peace and quiet. Close your eyes. You can see more with our eyes closed than with your eyes open. 2. Take a deep, round breath, in through your nose and out through your nose. Be comfortable. 3. Visualize a cocoon of silk light, like watching candy floss going round in a barrel. I see it as a white light. You may see a different color. 4. Now, the light cocoon encircles you in a clockwise direction: your feet, ankles, shins and knees, swirling upwards to your thighs, wrapping around you hips and waist, then your chest, and up and around your shoulders, It gets lighter all the time as it spins around your head, spiraling higher just above you crown. 5 Seal the cocoon by imagining that you are holding an inflated balloon, pinching the top with your fingertips to prevent any air escaping. At this point, you may also see a symbol If you don't, this is fine - just let go of any expectation and accept what comes to you. let it happen. What did you sense? don't worry if you don't sense anything.. It take practice keep trying. it should get easier with time.
Just take it as it comes to you,and it will happen.
Let us know your progress,or if you have questions...Nodrk

Re: Meditation
Post # 2
thanks nodrk this sounds like a very good way to meditate

Re: Meditation
Post # 3
i saw a symbol what does it mean

Re: Meditation
Post # 4
Can you describe the symbol?

Re: Meditation
Post # 5
it looked kinda like a - then a cane then another- except higher

Re: Meditation
Post # 6
were the straight lines touching the cane like one? or was there a seperation?

Re: Meditation
Post # 7

Re: Meditation
Post # 8
Hmm....I can't find a picture of it ( trust me, I googled my heart out lol ). I would think this is either part of, or the complete picture of your personal power symbol.

I'd suggest continuing with your meditation and if you see it again, that's a huge plus.

Draw a picture of it, and keep it around. If it is indeed a personal power symbol it will be very useful during spells =)

Re: Meditation
Post # 9
Healer is right,a persoal power symbol can be very useful in many areas.
Keep trying and keep track of this or anything else you see.

Re: Meditation
Post # 10
ok thanks

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