Unnerved by something.

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Unnerved by something.
Post # 1
Last night i experianced something heavy brushing against the top of my head, and at first i honestly thought it was just me, just being a bit paranoid. Or because i was on my own my senses were hightened. However then a couple of minuites later i felt a presence behind me. It did not feel happy, and it made me feel seriously uncomfortable and if im honest very creeped out. It was looking back, kind of heavy. So i called upon my God and Goddess, aswell as my guardian angel and it started to ease, and after a couple of minuites disappeared. Could anyone think of what it might be? Or something simple i could do to make it stop coming into contact with me? I need to go in the room, and am often alone in there, and right now i don't want to be alone in there. Please if anyone could help me i would be very grateful. Thankyou.
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Re: Unnerved by something.
Post # 2
Really, banoshing the entity or protecting yourself does not solve the root of your problems. Usually when an entity does this I talk it out abd help it pass on. If it is a demon, ask your guardian angels to protect you from it.
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Re: Unnerved by something.
Post # 3
Okay... Well how do i know if its a demon? If its a spirit could it hurt me? Im sorry, i have never had anything like this, ive never really worked with spirits. How would i help? Or talk to it? Is it safe?
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Re: Unnerved by something
Post # 4
Learn the lbrp.
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Re: Unnerved by something.
Post # 5
Whats that?
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Re: Unnerved by something.
Post # 6
Lesser banishing Ritual of the pentagram. Here are two links, one is from you tube. So you can pronounce the words correctly,though it seems to work very well if your bad at pronouncing the words, as INTENT is key to this and any spell or ritual.

Good luck.
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Re: Unnerved by something.
Post # 7
Thankyou ;) im grateful ;)
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