Becca's H20 Mermaid




This spell turns you into a h20 mermaid.

Spell Casting

First off take a piece of jewelry and put it in water. And then focus on you being a mermaid and the color tail and pwoers you want. Then say this chant only one time:


"Twists and twirls of the sea, can you speak to me? Grant me to be a h20 living creature. I would like powers to protect the sea, so mote and make this me. I'd like a shiny tail scince I'm a girl, so make it be. I live as a mermaid, let it be because I invoke thee. Sea living objects, will you make this me? This is who I wish to be. Please make me what I deserve to be, a human like fish is me. So mote me be. I'd have the tail the color () and thy power () please this is all I need to protect myself and the sea. Sea belongs, human does not. I'm free to be no longer insdie humanity. So mote it be. I grant a wish of the sea. Just this one for me."


Say that only one time and in three days you should get your tail and your power.

Side effects are:

Legs itching, legs crossing, sudden thirst.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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