To Find the Truth


Handful of thyme
Red candle
Flat dish or pentacle on which to put the herbs


Without the truth one cannot make sensible decisions. As one’s intuition grows it becomes easier to tell when people are not telling you the truth. Until that time a simple spell like this ensures that the truth is revealed in the right way. It uses herbs and candles.

Spell Casting

Place the thyme into the dish and say:

"Clarification I now require
So that truth is spoken
Let what is hidden now
Be brought into the open".

Light the candle and say:

"Speak truth with passion
And goodbye to caution
As the truth is said
May I not be misled".

Allow the candle to burn down until the wax drips into the herbs. Bury the cooled wax and herbs, preferably at a crossroads, having first blown any loose herbs to the wind.

The herb thyme is said to bring courage, which is-often needed to bypass our inhibitions. The colour-red often represents sexual passion, but here is much-more the passion for truth. Do remember therefore-that sometimes the truth can hurt, and you may-have been being protected.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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