Healing a Wound


Will to live
Love of life
Calm mind
Strong mind


This is a spell to heal any wound you have, but is best used with a positive attitude, or after meditation.

Spell Casting

Find a calm spot; it can be special to you personally or it can be some kid of spiritual place. It should be somewhere that you feel comfortable, safe, and at home. If you meditate before performing this spell, it will work better.
Feel energy and strength coarsing through your veins. Hold out your wound and hold out a hand (it doesn't matter which one), palm up. Close your eyes and feel energy coming into you with each breath you take. Feel it go into your heart, and from there, into the hand with the palm facing up. Envision it encasing your hand.
When you can feel the energy in your fingers (for me it's a tingling feeling, for you it may be different) move your palm onto the wound and feel the energy rush into it. Feel it go through to the bloodsream where it works to close the wound and leave behind no trace. Imagine it sewing it up with a thread so fine it can't be seen, yet so sturdy it can't be broken. You may feel heat, itching, tingling, or a slight sting. These are signs that it is working.
The change is usually slow, unless you meditate or have a lot of mental ability. When you are finished, if it hasn't healed, it should at least look less irritated and red than when you started.
Remember: the mind has great power.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.