Water Ribbon Magic


1 Blue Candle (but its not necessary)
1 meter of tight blue ribbon
1 dcl of diamond water
1 ink
1 piece of gunpowder
1 piece of diamond water
2 pieces of crystal/mineral dust
(Mineral dust is hard to find, but if you have a friend that works with crystals for jewelry, just ask him for a kind)


This spell is something like making an agreement with elemental and you and ribbon is the proof of your co-work with him. (The water elemental is quiet and beatifull, he or she or it.

Spell Casting

Step 1: The Ribbon Bath
Pick a glass (if you have a crystal glass, just use it) and put in it blue ribbon. Then add diamond water. Now if you have a candle, light it on. Pick the glass and put it on you´re heart and say with you´re full voice (not yell):


"Please, mighty elemental of water, give me the power to manipulate water from rivers to seas, from oceans to lakes, around the world. I will never use you´re power to harm someone. I...(now, you say you´re reason why do you want his/her/it power and it is for someone or for you, but be careful what reason you say, because it may not work if you will be very selfish)."

"Please, insert you´re power to this ribbon which is for me(or name of someone which is ribbon for), release my mental power, destroy block of my body, and free my imaginations of waters around the world and make them happen when I wear this ribbon as symbol of your majesty.´´


Than put the glass somewhere and wait one moon half-period(it is good to start at new moon and wait for full moon.)

Step 2: The Magical Ink
Just mix in this order: ink, crystal/mineral dust, diamond water, and gunpowder. Gunpowder will annihilate with water, so do not worry about, gunpowder is for black color. Then take the ink to you´re heart and say:


"What is anywhere written with you, it always became truth."


Step 3: Final
When is full moon pick up the ribbon from the glass, dry it and then write on it: "What happens with water in my toughs and imagines, it happens in world where I live." Make the ink dry. Then tie ribbon around of some part of you're body.

Warning! On own risk! Use it wisely!

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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