Protection for Bed


Athame or wand


Use when you want to create a sheild around your bed or anothers.

Spell Casting

Walk around the bed in a wide circle ringing the bell or bells. If you are casting the circle around yourself, then sit or lay on your bed and hold yor athame/wand in the air. Visualize sparkling white or blue light shooting from the tip and spiraling clockwise down to totally encompass the area around the bed. See it form a bubble. Then see it turn into either a full on crystal around you, or forming a ball of mirrors around you. Affirm that it is a bubble of protective energy, and you are safe. If you are doing this for another, then do the above until you reach the point of laying or sitting down. Walk away and raise your athame. Shoot the energy and form it into a bubble as you would do for yourself. It is done
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