Return a Hex


3 black candles


A spell meant to return a hex or curse to its original sender.

Spell Casting

If you are certain that someone has hexed you, return it to them using the following spell; but use it wisely - if you're wrong about the hex the spell can backfire.

This must be done for three nights in a row during a waning moon just after sunset. Light three black candles, and as they burn, say the following verse:

"Broken this spell, broken this curse,
By these candles, by this verse.
Reflected back, three times three,
Your hexes have no effect on me.
Curse return, by candles three,
Burn away and set me free.
Live and learn, crash and burn,
Three times three, this hex return.
With harm to none, this lesson be told;
Whatever is sent out, returns three-fold".

On the third day allow the candles to burn themselves out.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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