Free of Past Pain Spell


1 green candle
1 blue candle
1 white candle
1 black ribbon


This spell is to help you release the pains of the past.

Spell Casting

Light the candles and write on the paper all the pains of your past that still bother you. Roll up the paper and tie it off with the black ribbon. Chant;
"The past has no power over me. I release the pain, I am free."
Burn the paper and the ribbon over the flames of all three candles and before the fire reaches your hand cast the paper onto the ground. The moment you feel heat the paper should be cast down. Let the fire burn out on it's own, but keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't spread to other things. I suggest casting this spell on dirt or gravel so as not to start a wild fire.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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