Awakening Spell


You need to be situated in a grave yard.
Three black candles in the shame of a triangle.
You need three people to take part in this as it requires power of three.


This spell is used to awaken those who are in an eternal slumber, but not to be taken lightly because you are opening a portal to the spirit relm.

Spell Casting

Sit around the three candles and join hands, and search deep inside of you for a hidden power and let that power flow through each other.
 Once this is done you can now resurect the intended.



"Troubled blood with sleeps unease
remove the cause of this disease.
 Sleep eternal never more
and shift this source of evil born
to this intended whom none shall mourn."



Whatever you do do not break the circle, but dont worry if the circle is broken you can reverse the spell, just link hands again and chant three times:


 "What was awakened from its sleep
must once again slumber deep."
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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