Get Rid of Headaches


Stones from a young swallow's stomach


This spell removes headaches, but also helps against pain in the eyes, incubi, demons, bewitchment and hexes.

Spell Casting

You must take little stones from a young swallow's stomach. Be sure that the nestlings in which you find the stones are well grown. Take care that once you retrieve the stones they touch neither earth, nor water or any other stones. Select three of these and then put them on the person in distress, and he will soon be well. They stones are good for headache, for pain in the eyes, against temptations of a fiend, against nocturnal demons, for ague, against incubi, for sexual constriction, for bewitchment and against hexes.

From Lisa @ StardustAndMoonbeams
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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