Best Money and Abundance Spell (Ancient Egyptian)


Large Green Candle
Ankh made of paper
A Nice looking Bowl


Powerful spell to manifest your wish, be it money or material wealth.

Spell Casting

Prepare all items, and then:

Sit and meditate, try to concentrate your willpower into paper ankh, imagine your wish down to detail.

Burn up the candle before you, separate the T looking part of ankh from O atop of it with scissors and repeatedly "stab" T part trough O part while your read this out loud:

"Kha ta heneket, kha ka-u apedju, kha shes menekhet, kha hetep jefa! A thousand of bread and beer, a thousand of cattle and birds, a thousand of alabaster and clothes!"

Then while T part of paper ankh is still inside O part, set it aflame and leave it inside your bowl. Leave ashes in bowl, dont throw them out, and as you repeat this ritual, bowl will fill with more and more ashes. When bowl is almost half full, put one simple feather on top of the ashes, and say:

"Akhet peret shemu!" (which means "flood growing harvest!")

Then fill the bowl with pure water. If feather floats, your desires are of benovelent intentions and will come true, if feather sinks well, then contact me i will tell you what to do!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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