Egyptian Sphinx transformation


no ingredients


become a egyptian sphinx

Spell Casting

Say 3X or more


Spell of the Egyptian Sphinx Transformation:

I call upon the mighty Egyptian Sphinx,


Transform me with your powerful magic,

And let me be like you.

Let my body be covered in fur and feathers,

My face to be that of a lion,

My wings to be like those of an eagle,

My claws to be sharp and powerful,

My tail to be long and powerful.

Let my strength be as that of a lion.

Let my speed be as that of an eagle.

Let my senses be as sharp as a lion.

Let me be wise like the sphinx.

Let this transformation be complete.

As I will it, so mote it be!


Side Effects:

-Increased strength

-Increased speed

-Enhanced senses

-Facial features resembling a lion

-Feathers and fur covering the body

-Sharp claws

-Long and powerful tail

-Increased wisdom and insight
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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