A Cure for Respiratory Illnesses


Sweet Violet


A smoke that, when smelled, will heal many respiratory illnesses.

Spell Casting

Take a large amount of chickweed, comfrey, mullein, eucalyptus, and sweet violet, and coarsely chop each of them up. Note that each herb must be completely dry before beginning this spell. Mix them together thoroughly and divide the mixture into seven piles. Place one pile into a bowl and ignite it. The next day, place a second pile into the bowl and ignite it. Repeat the process until there are no more herb piles to burn.


Additional Notes:

  • All herbs mentioned are associated with the element Air, and each one is said to help the lungs and breath.
  • Do not stand too close to the fire; smelling the smoke from a distance is safer than breathing it in directly. Directly breathing in smoke would, naturally, go against the intended purpose of this operation.

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