How to Call a Brownie into a house with treats


A saucer filled with sweetened milk
A sweet bun
Several white feathers
Colored beads or buttons
A young birch tree (or any tree if birch is not available)


This spell teaches you how to bring a brownie into your home through treats.

Spell Casting

Brownies, like people, prefer to live in places in which they will be as comfortable as possible.  The task of a person is to show a potential "neighbor" that they are welcome here and ready to provide all the conditions.  The ritual takes seven days, you need to start on the new moon.  Each time you need:

  • A saucer filled with sweetened milk 
  • A sweet bun
  • Several White feathers
  • Colored beads or buttons 

It is necessary to allocate a calm place where you can come to the Brownie.  These spirits like to settle under the radiator, behind the stove, and in the corner behind the cabinet.  In the evening, you need to line the chosen place with feathers and carefully sprinkle them with beads/buttons.  In the same place you need to put a bowl of milk and a bun.  Then you should pronounce the conspiracy of calling the brownie: 

"Brownie-brownie, your soft bed is waiting for you, ringing  and shiny toys are waiting for you, come to our house - do not be shy; we will feed you sweetly, treat you often, so that you are happy and satisfied."

The treat should be left overnight.  In the morning, milk should be poured under a young birch (or other living tree), and the bun should be left nearby.  It's good if some animal eats it: it means that at least the brownie heard the call.  The ceremony must be repeated six more times.   The sleeping place of the spirit should not be disassembled, but during each ritual it is recommended to decorate it little by little.  A week later, a brownie will definitely settle in the house.  Sometimes this happens earlier: then the owners will find that the treat set for the night has been tasted by someone, and the feather bed is slightly fluffed up.  In this case, the calls should be stopped.
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