9 day love spell


2 Pink Candles

2 Red Candles



Clean sealable container e.g. glass jar

Small candle carving tool e.g. Bolline/Knife/Pencil/Toothpick


This is a simple but effective spell to improve any love situation. Use candles and sweetening agents to encourage powerful, loving energies between you and your partner. Why this Spell Works :- Sugar and Honey are sweetening agents which can be used in rituals of Kitchen Magic to soften or ease someone’s mood or feelings, drawing them closer to you. To attract a specific person, use the power of the red candle. Pink candles are used for spells relating to a more romantic love, compared to the red candle‘s fiery passion.

Spell Casting

  • Start on a Friday. Light one Pink and one Red candle on your altar
  • Make a circle of sugar around the candles, sprinkling clockwise
  • Allow the candles to burn for a few minutes as you focus on your goal
  • Snuff the flames out with a candle snuffer or teaspoon and leave them on your altar
  • Do this for a total of 9 consecutive days.
  • On the ninth day leave the candles burning.
  • As they burn take your second set of candles: Carve your full name into the Pink candle and your Partner’s full name into the Red candle.
  • Pour some honey on your fingers and dress the candles.
  • Place these candles on your altar near the other two and light them.
  • Focus on your goal, visualizing exactly what you want. Say:

“ May the goddess and god of light and love grant me my wish and quiet my heart.
I place my desire in your hands, for you to do as you will and as I deserve.
So mote it be.”

  • Let all four candles burn completely that night.
  • Place all the candle remains in a glass jar and seal it. Store it in a secret place such as under your bed or in a closet. Keep it for one month and wait to see results.
  • After one month, release the energy contained by burying the contents or just throw them away in the trash. Wash the glass jar and keep it for another spell.

Final Note :

Spells i  will recommend on this site are tested by me ,i have got the results ,you will too . Lots of my client get succeed you guys will also get success . Visualization ,focus ,faith on magic is the key to get the best result . If you don't understand any part of this spell ,send me mail . Please note that ,this is free magic site .So, i don't cast spell for anyone . You have to do it on your own 

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