Magical Enchantment of Items


A Fairy House or Fairy Altar
bent and used iron items
Flowers such as: Violets, Roses, Lavender, Marigolds, Sunflowers and Tulips
Sparkly or shiny object such as a ring, necklace, or dagger


This spell summons a fairy to enchant items with magical properties such as protection, love, healing, health, etc.

Spell Casting

First thing you need to do is

  • Build them a Fairy house. If not, build an altar. In this case having one or the other is crucial. You can put the fairy house inside your home or outside the home as mentioned earlier.
  • Place the offerings inside (natural and sweet tasting foods like milk and honey, bent and used iron items etc.)
  • Add colorful fairies inside the house such as Violets, Roses, Lavender, Marigolds, Sunflowers and Tulips
  • Add the sparkly and shiny object you want fairies to enchant (ring, necklace, dagger..)

With those offerings in place, whisper the following verse:

Little fairies with tiny feet
Play in this garden – but leave it neat
Little fairies with hands so sweet
I leave this offering – for you to eat
Little fairies, if this garden is neat
I’ll leave more offerings at your tiny feet.

Little folk of flashing wing,
little folk of dancing feet,
hear my words to you and bring
blessings with you when we meet.
please bless this ( insert objects you want enchanted name )
with your Power and Protection
so mote it be

Leave the object with the fairy house and the offerings.

Continue to leave little fairy treats about once a month. This spell is best done at dusk as fairies are usually asleep in the day and dancing at night.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.