God/Goddess Devotional Deity Tea


Two edible flowers of different color, or two edible herbs or spices which represent deity.
Tea strainer
Tea mug


A devotional tea to honor deities.

Spell Casting

This tea is to honor our deities. The edible flowers or herbs used should represent either particular personal dieties or the God or Goddess archetypes in general. A God and Goddess is not exactly necessary. A tea can be made for one deity or if it is made for two Goddesses, this too is acceptable. 

The idea is for the tea ingredients to represent a deity.


This is my personal tea:

Christian Deity and Nemesis tea


Forsythia flower, yellow, Christian Deity.

Wild Violet flower, purple, Nemesis.

Tea strainer.


Place your edible flowers and herbs into the tea strainer. Fill your mug with water and microwave for 3 minutes. Remove your cup carefully with a medium sized cloth taking care not to burn yourself. The cup will be hot so please remove with protection for your hands. I use a towel. Place the mug on the countertop and dip the tea strainer into the cup several times to simmer the flavor of your ingredients into your tea. If the strainer has a hook attach the strainer to the side of your mug if able. This will further help to establish flavor. Enjoy your tea in honor of your deity. If you want pour a little into a separate small tea cup in offering. 

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