Good Luck Charmbag


Green Aventurine
9 pennies (from 1972 or below)
Green candle for Money, gold candle for Wealth, pink Candle for Beauty
(depending of intention)
Green Cloth bag
Cinnimon powder or broken sticks


this is a charm bag to improve your Luck, finances, energy level. I have even used it for finding things i wasnt even aware i was looking for. if you need a boost of confidence that one day just hold the bag in your hand and meditate on what your need for the day. i found this spell on google but i added my own energies and intention to the spell.

Spell Casting

assemble the 9 pennies around the candle let the candle and lay down a square coth, in the center of the coth place a the Green Aventurine ( I used green because to me Green represents attraction and growth)places the Pennies around the Coth in whatever matter feels right to you again get creative with your magick) Chant:

"All good thing are coming to me

  I invoke the Law of attraction

  As I Will it So Mote it Be

then sprinkle the cloth with cinnamon add the pennies and sow the coth or tie it to form a bag

Once the bog is made meditate with it daily and focus your energies on it
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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