
- 13 Nails (any will do. if they are rusty even better)
- Red Pepper
- Black Pepper
- Salt (any kind you have at hand is fine)
- Parchment Paper Or Brown Paper Bag
- pen or marker that is black or red
- A banishing oil or one with banishing properties. Hot foot oil works just fine
- A candle holder for the candle or bowl
- A plate to catch the red and black pepper while working it into the candle to avoid a mess
- A spare candle for wax drippings if you don't have a candle holder


To shut the mouths of lying tongues that speak against you gossip and throw shade. only use if someone has non stop been hurting you, its very powerful and can cause physical ailments

Spell Casting

  • Petition their name 13 times on the paper
  • Turn the paper clockwise and write phrases like "shut up" "shut your mouth" "stop your lies" what ever you feel is right for your situation. Every time you write something turn it clockwise until you are done.
  • If you are doing this for someone make sure to sign the petition on top of everything. Otherwise the spell will work on your behalf and not for the person
  • Anoint your candle 
  • Sprinkle the black pepper all over the candle. Add what ever amount you feel is right with the intention to shut your target up
  • Sprinkle the red pepper all over the red candle. Add what ever amount you feel is right with the same intention as the black pepper.
  • Carefully peirce all 13 screws along one side of the candle
  • Take your candle and place in onto the candle holder and place the petition bellow the candle. If you do not have a candle holder you can use the spare candle and drop wax onto the bowl enough to firmly stick the petition on the bowl. Then drop more wax on to the petition paper enough to firmly place and hold the candle in place.
  • Light the candle and it is done.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.