Beltane Garden Blessing


Green Candle
Moonstone (A stone like this will help these plants regenerate lost cells faster and will give them the strength to plant deep roots for better support.)
Himilayan Salt (prosperity/abundance)
Dirt (from the garden)
Spell bottle


Beltane is a time for recognizing growth and the coming of summer. Here is a spell to encourage the flourishing of your garden.

Spell Casting

The first thing you want to do is be sure that your altar is cleansed of any negative energies. Rearrange your altar, clean it, do anything you need to do to make it a sacred space that will promote growth. Placing more green items, candles, or crystals on your altar can boost this energy.  Start by lighting the green candle. Visualize green fiery energy coming out of the candle and consuming the ingredients. Think about all the abundance, fertility, and growth that will come out of this energy and into your garden. Then cleanse and bless any of the ingredients that you decide to use. You can use incense or Palo Santo or any sage spray to do this. Take your spell bottle and fill it with some of the dirt, moonstone chips, and Himalayan salt. You can choose to let the green wax of the candle seal the spell bottle, or you can just leave it as is. Snuff out the candle, and then bring your spell bottle into your garden. 

There are a few routes you can take next. You can either bury your spell bottle in the ground, if it is environmentally friendly, of course, or you can just place it in your garden overnight and then let it manifest on your altar. Whichever route you take, it is important that you first consecrate the spell bottle. I, personally, call upon Gaia to help me do this. 

“Mother Gaia, nourish my garden, 

For my garden shall nourish you in return, 

On this blessed Beltane, 

Make this land thrive with fertility 

And provide light for my higher self.”

*Remove the contents in the bottle however and whenever you deem fit.*
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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