Mental Health Cleansing


Ingredients are optional, so if you don't have anything, simply follow the instructions without the ingredients. The need for the ingredients are used as a visual aid for some and dependent boost for others.
-smudging stick (any type of your choosing)
-Candle or tea light
-Parsley (fresh)
-Bath/shower or at the least, a wash cloth and access to water


Mental health awareness is extremely important in not just maintaining your physical health but being able to cast more clearly and keep yourself protected from absorbing negative energy, influences or unwanted entities that may cloud your judgement or cause self doubt, loathing or poor self esteem. This spell is aimed at cleansing out the negative build up, restoring confidence and refreshing your inner chi, spirit or mana.

Spell Casting

This spell has two parts.  You can do both together or separate.  Its intention is to help cleanse out any lingering negative energy that may be weighing heavy on your conscious, causing depression or sadness.

Fill a bath with water or start your shower.  If you don't have access to either you can use a wet cloth to wipe down your arms and legs etc.  Use the fresh parsley by placing it in the tub to seep when filling it, hanging in the shower to steam while showering or if wiping down with a wet cloth, rub the parsley over your skin.  If you do not have parsley continue the same without it.

While washing you can say out loud or in your own thoughts:

I wash away the negative thoughts

I wash away the sadness

I fill my body with happiness and joy

I fill my mind with gladness

You can use these words or come up with your own.  The purpose is to demand the negative to leave and invite only positive.  You are in control, you allow what to remain and what to leave.

When finished soaking/showering or washing, dry off and go to an open area free from clutter.  Light your candle and then light your smudging stick.  Smudge to the left, right, front and back and stand there allowing the smoke to dissipate around you while you focus on the pure white light of the candle.  Keep those thoughts of pure, clean, happy, positive.  If you do not have these, you can stand and take several long breaths, closing your eyes and picturing a white flame burning bright.  Welcome in positive energy and thoughts.

It is important to recognize if you have a serious mental health need.  It is ok to struggle and it is ok to have a mental health disorder.  The worst thing you can do is ignore it or try treating it with drugs or alcohol.  Recognize how you feel and take control.  If you are not happy with how you feel, seek out and consult your doctor.  Medication isn't a band-aid, it is a tool to help you manage a part of your body that is off balance.  Once you understand your mental health needs and take control, you will be in charge and you will understand your needs better.  This cleansing spell isn't going to fix depression or anxiety but it should boost your inner strength in understanding you are stronger than you realize and you are capable of being in control of your own mental health.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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