Make Your Love Interest Dream of You


Red candle (optional - for an erotic dream)
Pink candle (optional - for a romantic dream)
White candle (optional - substitute for red or pink if you don't have them)
Red wine (optional)


This will make your love interest (crush, SO, ex) have either a romantic or an erotic dream centered around you. In my experience, this spell works in roughly three weeks' time but it may be different for every person.

Spell Casting

1. Cast this spell right before you go to sleep.

2. Light up the candle, place it on the surface in front of you, and hold your palms around the candle at a safe distance. Close your eyes and feel the warmth of your passion fill your body. When your chest heats up, visualize the dream you want your love interest to see you in.

3. Chant the following:

O [person's name], may what you see

In your sweetest dreams be me.

Want me, crave me every night.

Feeling this you cannot fight.

Think of me, dream only me.

It's my will, so mote it be.

4. If you're of legal drinking age and don't have any conflicting conditions, drink the red wine and feel it fill you with warmth and power. Feel the power flow from you to your love interest, wrapping them up in your passion. 

5. To help this spell manifest, you may want to text your love interest a short goodnight message right after the casting.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.