Empower Yourself


smokey quartz
tigers eye
rose quartz


This ritual is for strength to keep going. I've used this spell many times to empower myself.

Spell Casting

1) Cleanse all items in the way you see fit

2) Cast your circle.

3) Light incense and let in move you, dance with it and chant:

“I am graced with power and strength.

Those above grace me with this gift.”

Dance until you feel like you are ready to light the fire in your soul.

4) Light candle and chant:

“I light this flame inside of me.

Strength and passion erupt in me.

I light this flame inside of me.

As I will it

so mote it be”

5) Chant the first incantation as many times as you need to.

6) Open your circle, then say:

“As this magick is done,

With the wake of the sun,

It can not be reversed

Or placed upon,

By any curse.

So mote it be.”

7) Cleanse your objects.


Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.