Vampire Transformation Spell


You will need:
1. Red food dye, representing blood
2. Cup
3. Purified water, representing your rebirth and purity
4. A strand of hair
5. A drawing of what you want to look like as a vampire. Your height, weight, eye sight, and hair color, anything!!!!!


Be your own REAL Twilight vampire!!!

Spell Casting

1.  Get your cup and a spoon, then get a bottle of purified water.  

2.  Squeeze 5 drops of red food dye in the water, and put the strand of hair in the red water.  (Leave half of the strand hanging out of the cup.  

3.  Holding the hair, mix the potion with the hair still in it.

You don’t have to memorize this spell.  But say this twice:

”Golden eyes, skin fare and pale, I would like to be a Cullen!  With speed faster than light or sound.  I would like to have these powers, (pick as much powers as you want) and this is all I as.  Please oh please Mote it be.”

side effects:

1.  Sensitivity to light

2.  Craving of animal blood, doesn’t work on pets

3.  Strength to lift a bus, or semi

4.  Sharper, longer teeth

5.  Lip discoloration 

5.  Longer hair within 3 days


just like all Cullens, your transformation will take 3 days.  And whatever day you do the spell, you will transform that same day on the next week.  And you will awaken on the third day!!!!  Enjoy your immortality!!!!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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