[Mass Revenge Spell] The Eclipse


People to sacrifice, and a strong emotional link to them
The names of everyone you wish to sacrifice
Other taglocks of everyone you wish to sacrifice (optional, but can help)
Red & black writing utensils
A safe place to burn things
a Behelit (sculpt your own from clay. personalize it however you wish, imbue it with your energy. I put a charged quartz core in mine, and mixed powered bone into the clay. If you do not know what a behelit is/looks like but still wish to use this spell, Google it.)
your own blood


This spell is inspired by The Eclipse from the manga and anime series Berserk. It is a mass revenge spell one should execute on those that have seriously harmed you in the past, but you could also use it on a single person.

Spell Casting

Disclaimer: This ritual is meant to be highly cathartic, emotionally charged, and empowering. It is not for the faint of heart, those who are uncomfortable with curses, or the weak-willed. This is not to be used lightly. 

Find a place and time where you are comfortable and will not be disturbed. Performing this ritual during an eclipse is ideal but impractical, and ultimately not vital to the success of this ritual. Allow yourself to enter a meditative state throughout the process. Play atmospheric, repetitive music. Allow yourself to feel things. If you want to cry, cry. If you want to scream, scream.

Prepare the sacrifice: Write the names of those that have wronged you onto strips of paper with black ink. Take your time. Thing about what they did to you. Let it really seep into you.

Invoke the god hand: Now that your emotions are raw, hold your behelit in your left hand. Let it soak up your energy. Apply your own blood to the behelit.

The feast: Meditate on those that you are sacrificing. Who they are to you, what they have done to you, and how much it hurts. As you meditate on this, draw the brand of sacrifice over each name in red ink before placing each strip of paper onto a surface where you can burn them. Let those feelings of rage, sadness, betrayal, anything you feel towards these people manifest fully. 

Sacrifice: Look at your sacrifices. See their faces. Light a match, say “I sacrifice,” and burn the slips of paper until only ash remains. Watch the sacrifices die brutally in your mind’s eye. Feel those strong, painful emotions towards these people, and then feel them fade to a dull ache in the background before vanishing entirely. You may feel disgusted, or ashamed, or repulsed. Feel these things, and then let them fade as well. Those people are beneath you now. Dispose of the ashes as you see fit.

After performing this ritual, cleanse your space well. Wear your behelit or otherwise keep it on your person whenever you are able/comfortable to do so, until you feel that the ritual has worked its way. After some time, you may want to cleanse and banish the behelit. I buried mine in a forest far away from me several months after I completed this spell. 

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.