Love Potion


1 cup of milk
3 drops of vanilla extract
1 drop of rose or orange flavoring
1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
2 teaspoons honey


This will not force someone to love you, but it will ease the way to their expressing it if love is there. This is based on an old, well known recipe.

Spell Casting

  1. Put your milk and honey in the cauldron, pot, or warmer.
  2. Give your intent to the coriander.  It helps to hold it in your hand for a moment and speak to it.
  3. Add the vanilla and flavoring with intent.
  4. Stir and heat until hot, but not boiling.
  5. Serve this to your lover.  It’s very nice to serve this in a drinking bowl or wide cup with a few fresh rose petals floating in it.
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