How to Make a Voodoo Doll


Clothes of the person the doll is to represent OR cloth that has laid under your pillow for 5 days
Some DNA of the person the doll is to represent (hair, blood, skin, nail clippings, saliva, tears, sexual fluids, etc.)
Catnip [optional]
Lavender (or another flower abundant in your area) [optional]
Inscence [optional]
A small bell [optional]
Old jewlery [optional]
Something to stuff the doll with
Beads, sequins, etc. [optional]
Anything else you feel is important to the person the doll is meant to represent


This isn't really a spell but it's still good to know.

Spell Casting

Get out all your items first, so you don't have to stop to go grab them.

Light the incense if you have any, and begin sewing a gingerbreadman-esque shape out of whatever cloth you have. Make sure to leave a hole along the hem.

Stick your fingers (or tweezers) inside the hole and pull the inside out, so that the hemming is concealed. 

Sew beads and sequins on if you have them, then begin stuffing the doll. Put everything you want to go inside in there, then sew up the hole.

You can write runes on the fabric, sew button eyes on the doll, put your makeup on it, and/or make it clothes to help tie the doll to you even more.

Last, if you burned incense, take the ash from the incense and rub it into the fabric of the doll.

And that's it. You just made a voodoo doll. Congratulations.


-if you don't have fabric, you can take a plastic zip lock bag and tie it with rubber bands to be vaguely person shaped. I don't recommend this, though.

-if you cannot obtain the dna of the person, you can print off a picture of them and put it in instead.

-you can light a candle instead of incense and put the doll's feet and head into the melted wax instead of rubbing incense ash into it.

-you can do this by a river and instead of using incense, let the water flow over the doll once its finished

-if you don't have synthetic stuffing like in stuffed animals, you can use grass, ash, cloth, etc.

ps. Be nice to the voodoo doll.
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