Creating and Elemental Chord


Several Feet Of Colored yarn



Plenty of space


Create a braided elemental chord for circle casting and protection

Spell Casting

Note: the length of the chord must be long enough to encircle you three times, while you are in a seated position.

Take red(fire), yellow(air), green(earth) and blue(water) yarn (the yarn can be variegated with the colors, but you will still need to section it into three strands) and lay each string in long sections close to each other. One section should be comprised of each of the four colors. Make two more sections like this. The length of each section should be long enough to encircle you and any items you wish to be with you inside a circle.

Once you have three sections made up of four strings each, create a sort of triangular shape (It should look a bit like this: / | \ ) and tie a knot at the top of the triangle. Then proceed to braid each of the three sections together (It may get complicated, but remember to be patient and clear minded!). As you braid, think of positive thoughts that make you happy, and keep your mind clear and warm. Be certain you are in a relaxed state before performing this. You may chant or sing to yourself while braiding.

Once your braided chord is long enough, you are ready to use it for circle casting! Do this by standing and placing items you cast spells or meditate with around you in a circle, or in front of you in the direction you'll be facing. Place one end of the chord in the direction of North, and go clockwise from there in a circle surrounding both you and your items. As you reach each cardinal direction, call the elements to you by chanting;

"I call the element of Earth, who resides in the North, to be with me in this circle.

I call the element of Air, who resides in the East, to be with me in this circle.

I call the element of Fire, who resides in the South, to be with me in this circle.

I call upon the element of Water, who resides in the West, to be with me in this circle."

You can chant this in your head or aloud, and as many times as you wish until the chord has encircled you three times. Once you've encircled yourself thrice, place the tips of the chord together to ensure a secure circle. Then, you are ready to use the circle for whatever you may need!
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