Relieve nausea (warm blend) + technique


-mint leaves
-warm water
-lavender(for relaxation)
-your hands


this is not a very complicated blend,its from what i formed from a study of herbals im doing. This is a blend and a technique i have used before and confirmed it to work. please try it out if you need it.

Spell Casting

for the blend instructions:

1.grab the ginger and chop it up  into small pieces(optional)

2.warm up for atleast 43seconds to a minute. (the water)

3.once the water is warm, not hot but warm. Then, add the mint tea leaves in and leave em in so that the water absorbs the leaves so the effect takes place.

4.put a lavender near a fan or get a scented lavender freshener (i prefer actual lavender for stronger effect)

5: sip on the mint tea nice and calm.close your eyes and do the hand technique(ill explain how to)


hand technique::

1.grab two fingers on one hand and place them onto the pressure points and do light pressure(it will help you sleep it off and relieve the nausea at the same time) if your falling asleep it is taking good effect.

(dont forget to drink the belnd)

(i created the blend and added some herbal lavender which is known to relax your mind, and cure your nausea)
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