Heart medning spell


-red candle (optional.)
- paper
-new moon


This spell is going to help hopefully mend and heal your broken heart. I know it seems silly using magik to help get over this (btw this is PERSONAL GAIN!!) But if you do go out with the spell think of all the good you could potentially do without your aching heart dragging you behind?

Spell Casting

First of all you're going to want to make sure that you are ALOUD to light candles in your house/outside (comfortable space) then precede to light the RED CANDLE. If your wondering why the RED candle, well it's because a RED CANDLE symbolizes love and harmony. Oh so I've heard. Light the candle.  Put the candle on the floor. (MAKE SURE NOTHING IS FLAMMABLE!!!) Then close your eyes and repeat this chant:

Hear my cries, Oh hear my cries. I don't want to be hurting anymore. Gods and Goddesses (mother, father,son, daughter.) please help me. I come in a quest to mend my broken heart. I've been hurt and i don't want to hurt anymore. I'm not asking for you to punish the one who hurt me, but instead help me. Please help me, i just want to move on, move on past this drag of a memory that is dragging me down. Please help. Thank you for listening to my pleads.

Thank the Gods and Goddesses (Mother, Father son daughter, etc.) Then blow out the candle. recite the spell as many times as you need to. Or just 3 times.



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