To unleash a demon from hell


Inscense or sage
5 black candles
Calm surroundings


If you want to unleash a demonic entity then here you go.

Spell Casting

You need to be very grounded, and relaxed. Place the five candles in a circle (unlighted). Smudge the area, with the sage or inscense. You will want to sit in the circle and ground even further. Then start at the North side of the circle and work your way following north, east, south and west. Then when you're feeling ready, say in a strong voice, " Dameonum quae sunt ab inferno, et beattos vos ad me. O placet, obsecro, audi vocem meam. Concendo libere concendo locum. Ill dimittemte. Manei et ill te vagenter. Demones inferni, et ego invocbote. Novit me, liberabit vos intempore, sic fiat semper."
Then remain in the circle for a few minutes and collect your energy and in reverse order blow out your candles. And the spell will be completed.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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