Morpheus Guided Dream Spell


Paper to draw a sigil on,
Something to draw a sigil with,
A ceramic bowl or mug, preferably all white,
Your blood, (obtained safely),
Tea (preferably Chamomile Lavender or some other sleep related tea),
Something to stir with,
A lighter or some other fire starting implement,
Somewhere you can burn paper safely without mixing the ashes of the paper with something else.
A place with dirt where you can dig and bury things

Optional Items:
Incense that calms you down
Other relaxing things that ease your environment and connect you to Morpheus
(In my experience, he really digs Selenite crystals)


Cast to invoke Morpheus, the Greek God of Dreams, and ask him for guidance or visions. Good for divination. Involves blood magic. Read all the way through before casting, as some ingredients may be hard to obtain.

Spell Casting

This spell is to be cast at night.
Create a sigil to represent the Oneiromanteion, or the home of Hypnos, Morpheus, and the other Oneiroi. Mine looks like a deconstructes amphora with sand pouring out of it because whenever I think of any of the Oneiroi the song Mr. Sandman plays in my head.
Burn the sigil, putting the ashes into a mug or something NONPLASTIC that you can pour tea into.
Start some tea.
Lavender, Myrhh, or Frankincense is useful but not required. If you have any of the incenses previously listed, let the incense burn all the way and take the ashes, mixing them with the ashes from the paper you put the sigil on
Making sure the ashes are in the cup, pour the tea in and add a few drops of blood (Obtained safely. I am hella clumsy, so I always have scabs I can remove at any point to get blood from them. Don't injure youself please. It could add a negative effect to the spell.)
Mix all of it together, with a finger or a spoon or whatever.

I use my wand for a little extra oomph, but you don't have to.

Partake of the offering, no matter how gross it is, ingest a little bit NOT A LOT (only like 1 drop is needed) of the gross tea

After that, I add a ton of sugar to the tea because in my experience Morpheus likes his sugar.

Put the tea cup in your windowsill and leave overnight, and regardless of whether you recieve the guidance you are asking for, the morning after you cast the spell DO NOT FORGET to pour the tea onto earthy ground.

If you can dig a small hole to pour the tea in, even better.

After that, pour the tea into the hole or just into the grass if you couldn't dig a hole.

If you can dig a hole, light a match, let the sulfer burn off, and drop it into the hole with the gross tea.

Fill the hole back up with Earth, and thank Morpheus again.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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