Hunter's Curse Enchantment


blood or red water
a candle
a large mirror
a voice
a private place
silent atmosphere
any container
a ring or piece of jewelry
a lighter or matchbox


see everything for what it really is, this also enhances your senses all 6.

Spell Casting

At night go to your safe place and light the candle pour the blood or the water in the container with the jeweled item inside make sure you can see your reflection in the mirror and hum for 3 minutes after that speak softly and say these words:

God of the hunt and bringer of beasts look at thy offering for you to feast.
If thou is willing then blow this candle make it dim.


May thou feast on this liquid to quench your thirst but i have a request of you first, bless this ring/pendant with your gifts.

After that thank the god Orion for his time you may feel a little twinge of pain for a second, that means Orion is in control then drink the blood/water and thank him for his time once more blow out the candle and put the item on. wear it overnight for the effects to sink in.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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