locator spell


Map (of some kind.)
Medal, crystal etc.
A quiet room
Blank Mind (this is KEY!!!)


If you say the spell correctly and follow the steps provided it'll work. Trust me,but you MUST do as it says or i can't gaurente complete satisfaction and complition with the spell. Best of wishes to you all, Elements411.

Spell Casting

First off go into your room. (any will work.) Then place tye map on a solid surface. (desk,table etc.) Next grab your crystal (or whatever it is you have) And move it around ABOVE the map. Clear your mind and think of the person you want to desperately find. Picture their face, then say this spell....

Come forth ______ [persons name] show me where you are hiding. You will appear to me and me alone. I will venture forth to find you. So make yourself clear to me!! So mote it be!

Soon after you've said the spell the crystal,necklace, etc should stop on a certain destination where that person can or could be found. Then venture forth and find whomever it is you need. Don't forget to thank mother Earth for helping you along on your journey. Put you're things away and head out. With best wishes, Elements411
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.