Get Rid Of Acne and Other Imperfections


1 pen, penicl, or marker
1 piece of paper
1 large pentacle (on paper)
1 sewing needle (of any kind)
1 pinch of cinnamon
1 pinch of nutmeg
Any extras such as stones, leaves...optional but do add to the elemental power.


A quick spell you can do with objects in your home.

Spell Casting

Before starting make sure you have a pentacle. I printed one out, a medium to large one and cut it out.

Take your other piece of paper that is NOT your pentacle and draw a circle on it. Say, "this circle represents my face." Draw various shapes such as circles, squares, straight or squiggly lines. Each time you draw a new shape say out loud what it represents.

EX: "These squares represent any scabs and scars on my face."
(The shapes you draw should be inside the circle you drew, on your 'face")

Once finished drawing take the paper and fold it in half three times, you should have a thick rectangle. Take some cinnamon and smear it over the outside and then take the needle and say

"As this needle penetrates this paper so shall the magic penetrate my face. Second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour each blemish shall fade,so by the time that I wake all blemishes shall be gone from my face."

Stab the needle through the middle of the paper until it comes out on the other side then STOP and with the needle still in the paper (it's sticking out on both sides so you can set the paper down at a kind of angle), set it down in the center of your pentacle and sprinkle nutmeg all aorund the perimeter of the pentacle.

Say, "This is my will, so mote it be. This is my will, so mote it be. This is my will, so mote it be. By the power of three, change I shall see."


Wait until the next morning and then take your pentacle and paper with the needle still in it and bury it anywhere in the ground. Pour water over the spot. Look in the mirror and praise your power, you have clear skin now!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.