Clearing house of negative energies version 1


Stick of sage (or sage incense)



bowl with a handful of clay cat litter in it


method 1 of clearing your house and yourself of negative energies and entities.

Spell Casting

Sage sticks are really bundles of sage tied together to make a stick. There are multiple types of sage, but personally the least bad smelling type when burned is Desert Sage. But sage incense is good as well. Sage sticks are found in new age and occult shops, as well as herb shops too. The burning of sage to purify an area originated from the Native Americans.

The cat litter in the bowl helps to snuff out the sage stick when you are done. But the bowl is not needed if you are using incense, you just need an incense holder.

So first, light the sage stick. Make sure plenty of smoke is coming up from it. Sometimes if it is difficult to light, it means there is A LOT of negative energy in the space. But when it smokes, carry the stick around the room, chanting "Love and peace fill this space, negativity is out of this place" go into closets too, then go to a window, open it to let the negative energies leave, close it, then trace a banishing pentagram above the window, while saying "this window is sealed" go to doors and other windows in the room, saying "this window/door is sealed." repeat in each room in the house, do not skip a spot. When done, go outside and move the smoke around you saying "only peace and love reside within me, all negative and evil now leaves" add extra words if you want. Do the same for any family, friends or pets that are there. Then snuff the sage out. Get a container of salt, and put a circle of salt around your house. this is a shield for the home. As you do, chant "protection I lay upon here" or anything you feel better suits. When you are done, say "In the name of the lord and lady, this house is protected, so mote it be!"
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