The Magick Potion Of The Four Thieves


Bottle or big jar

Apple cider vinegar

Garlic cloves


The legend goes:

Over 2 centuries ago, a group of 4 thieves commited crimes in London during a bad plague.

They'd break into houses and steal... they'd even steal from the dead.

Not only were people outraged, but they couldn't understand how the thieves could come into contact with plague ridden corpses and not get sick at all...

They were finally caught and sentenced to death, but they negotiated a trade.

They traded their secret formula for a reduced sentence.

This secret formula kept them healthy, and kept them free from harm (until they were finally caught)...

Believe the legend or not, I've been drinking this potion for years and I can't remember the last time I was ill... and negative energy seems to avoid me and my family.

It doesn't taste good, but it's a small price to pay for it's healing powers and it's ability to keep problems away...

Spell Casting

STEP 1: Get some apple cider vinegar, and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar for every cup of water in a big jug or bottle.

STEP 2: Peel and crush garlic cloves and add them to the mixture. The amount of garlic you put in depends on you...

STEP 3: Next, you must add 4 more ingrediants based on your tastes. You can choose 4 more ingrediants to add from this list (1 for each thief): black pepper, cayenne pepper, chili pepper, coriander, lavender, mint, rosemary, rue, sage, thyme, or wormwood.

STEP 4: Allow this to sit for 4 days, shaking once daily before using.

STEP 5: Simply drink a glass of this once every few days..
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