Call Upon The Horse Spirit Animal


- 1 Candle (Optional) Can be any color, preferably white or red.

- Your voice (Or you can just think)


Spirit animals are the epitome of their own species. Like a totem, they represent their species and are not specific animals who have lived before. The horse can help you to be more independent and confident in yourself, to love yourself, and to stay true to yourself.

Spell Casting

1. Light your candle if you decided to use one. Set it next to you or in front of you. If you don't have a candle, that's fine. It doesn't matter where you are, it's best to do this in a quiet area, like your room.

2. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Keep doing this until you are fully relaxed. After you are calm, you can open your eyes or keep them closed. In your mind, imagine what the horse spirit animal might look like. Imagine it approaching you slowly, a light fog and shining stars surrounding it with a soft white or yellow glow around the spirit.

3. Say this out loud or in your thoughts, it doesn't matter which.
"Spirit animal of the Horse, please guide, protect, and teach me your ways, help me to be more confident in myself, and to not be afraid to be independent. Watch over me as I face my problems and decisions.
Thank you"
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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