Sickness Descends


A rotten egg
A photo or drawing of the person
Wood ash
A rusted pin or nail


This is a spell to bring illness down on someone. You can use this kind of dark magic spell as a form of revenge, or to get someone out of the way when competing for something in your life (romance, a job, an actual competition).

Spell Casting

The odds of having a rotten egg just sitting around are pretty slim, so you should plan on doing this spell in advance. Leave a whole (un-cracked) raw egg out in the sun for several days until is starts to smell a little ripe. It can take a week or even more.

When you are ready to do this spell (try for a Saturday), remember that it will smell bad and you might not want other people home when you do it.

Set out the photo on a table, on a plate, or tray. Puncture the egg with the rusted pin and crack it open over the photo. Let the gunk cover up the picture as you think about that person getting sick. Sprinkle wood ash over the rotten egg. Let everything sit for a few minutes. Again, concentrate on your intentions as you enjoy the aroma.

Then take the plate outside, and bury the whole mess with the photo facing downwards. Your target will be ill within a week.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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