Healing Spell For A Friend


-amethyst crystal
-lavender incense
-paper and pen


This is an air spell to help a friend who is depressed.

Spell Casting

I made this spell with a friend in mine whose father had just passed away. It does not have to be a very close friend, you just need to have the desire in your heart to heal them and for them to be happy.

First, as always, cast a circle. You're also going to want to make sure your crystal is cleared before using it (you may do this by exposing it to sun or moonlight and leaving it for a day or a night).

Once that is done, light your incense, take your amethyst in hand, and meditate with it. Charge it with your thoughts and feelings of how much you want your friend to be happy, how you wish for their sadness to be blown away from under the pressure they're being held under (whether it be depression, frustration, a tragedy, etc.) Visualize them as being trapped beneath this pressure, unable to release themselves on their own.

Write your friend's name on a sheet of paper, then place it under the amethyst. The size of the paper must be larger than the crystal to symbolize how your friend is bigger than any barriers, pressures, or adversaries they may be facing. Say:

"This friend holds hurt in their heart
Heavy enough to weigh them down.
Their pain overwhelms them,
Like the crystal does to this paper.
Mother Goddess I call on thee
To help lift their sorrows as I lift this crystal."

Remove the amethyst and keep it in your hand, and with the other, take the paper and wave it through the incense. This symbolizes their sadness and frustrations being carried away. Visualize them being as light and free as the paper as you feel it in your hand. Say:

"I call upon the element of Air to heal them.
Blow their sadness away,
Carry it away with the wind
So that they may never see it again.
Mother Goddess, please bless my friend.
Mend their heart and soul,
Let them continue happily on their path.
And harm none, so mote it be."

Break the circle and dispose of the paper. Be sure to check in on your friend to see if the spell had taken affect, also to let them know you care and are there to listen. Be kind to your friends. Blessed be!

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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