Pain relief oil spell


* One glass bottle with stopper
* carrier oil
* peppermint oil
* lavender oil
* rose oil


Simple pain relief oil and basic magic any age and anyone can do it. Use for head aches shoulder and back pain and leg pain and all muscle pain not for monthly mysories

Spell Casting

First take the carrier oil (I personally prefer extra virgin olive oil but I do keep in mind some are allergic to all olive oils so simple mineral oil or sweet almond oil are good Supstitues) place in glass bottle (might need a funnel to keep from making a mess). Next add about six to eight drops of peppermint oil to the bottle. Followed by lavender oil add about four to six drops. Last add four to six drops of the rose oil. Now focus on the bottle imagine all pain fleeing your body at the meere touch of the smallest amount of the oil. Let sit in a cool dark place for a week and a half to three weeks. Use wisely. When using the oil pour a small amount into the palm of your hand and rub across shoulder and down back for muscle pain. For headaches cross the for head from temple to temple and t-zone between eyes (keep away from eye lids and understand eyes). For legs just rub where it hurts (keep away from reproductive areas). Let me know which mixture works best for you if any questions just ask me I'll be more than happy to help answer them. This is my own work please do not claim it as your own but you are welcome to write it down or save it to favorites.
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