How to write a spell




This will walk you through the process of making a spell

Spell Casting

Decide on the result you want to accomplish with the spell.

Timing when casting spells can be important. The Moon is important in witchcraft, and therefore has a profound influence upon us. It is very important to choose the right moon phase for your spell

Gather your tools. Don't forget to cleanse and bless (consecrate) your tools before you begin casting your spell.

Write your spell (it doesn't need to rhyme)


A beginner can make his or her spell stronger by speaking it out loud. It will help tie power, belief, and intent to the spell.

The three fold law applies to when you write a spell to make something happen. Once you cast the spell, then the same thing will happen to you later on in your life, either three times worse or three times better. For example, if you cast a spell to give someone good luck, you will experience thrice as much good luck later on in life.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.