A Real,Tested Mermaid Spell


-Half a cup of water
-An object you found from the sea,ocean,lake/river
-Must be in a quiet area
-Salt is optional,but it will increase your chance of becoming a mermaid and will reduce side effects
-A strand of your hair


This spell isn't mine,my friend found it on youtube and she used it.She's a mermaid now.You'll get your tail a month and a couple days,you'll also get power(s).It depends on you,when you will get it.

Spell Casting

1.Mix your hair into the water.
2.Add a pinch of salt,if you use salt.
3.Put object in water
4.Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a mermaid
Swimming in the sea(from your point of view.You can
Imagine swimming backwards to see your tail.)
5.Drink the water.

Side effects:
1.Constant Thirst
2.Hair color changing(can be before or after getting
Your tail,the color is the same color as your tail)
4.A lot of leg itching.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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