Love Spell



Cinnamon inside a small pouch
One White Candle (Any type)
One Black Candle (Any type)
''Lovers'' Tarot Card (Optional)


This spell worked for me, so I decided to share it.

Spell Casting


Light the candles and place them next to each other, if you have the tarot card then place it under the candles, then pick up the pouch and hold in both hand, think of colours that represent love. While holding the pouch you will need to chant an incantation, say the English or Latin one (Latin is stronger)

Latin: ''I nunc me te amare simul, quoque sicerit in me ex caritate''

Latin Phonetic: ''EE nunk me te am-ar-e sim-ool, kwo-kwo sik-er-eet-e een me ex car-I-tat-ai

English: ''May the bond between me and another strengthen and become love''

Blow out the candles and bring the small pouch wherever you go.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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