Kin Memories Jar


Small bottle or jar with lid
White candle
Glitter (optional)
Past life memory remembrance sigil (find one on Tumblr or make your own)
Anything that will make it look nice/suited to your kin/suited to you
Token of your kin (optional)


A jar to help kin recover memories. Can be used by questioning kin to figure out who they are, or by known kin to get more memories.

Spell Casting

Add the cinnamon, sugar, thyme and glitter to the jar.
Draw or print and cut out the sigil, fold it up (if needed) and insert it.
Add the token and anything else you wish to include.
Light the candle and say:

''I shall remember my life
I shall remember my death
I shall remember every day
Thought, movement, and breath
I shall remember my lives
Of kin and kin alike
I will remember all my friends
My likes and my dislikes
I shall remember my world
And find it easily
It becomes far easier
To find my kin memories
I shall remember my joy
I shall remember my sorrow
As I cast this spell today I call
For memories tomorrow.''

Now drip the wax of the candle over the jar to seal it. If you need to, do this over a piece of paper. Place the jar in a safe place, such as under your bed or on your desk.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.