Wolf Hybrid


Feather (real)
Bathtub full of water
Spell written on a paper
A sweet


A spell made for myself. It might not work for you. Because it is for me, I wrote the colours as I want them. Change these to your own if you are using this.

Spell Casting

Draw a pentagram on a paper. Write "wolf" in the middle. Then, in each point of the star, write one of these words: Avian / Mermaid / Anthro / Dragon / Human. Write underneath it: "I shall painlessly transform into any of these things mixed with any of these other things."

Fill the bath with hot water. Pour in salt and mix it in. Get into the bath and put the paper and the sweet where you can reach them but they will not fall into the water. Now touch the wolf section on the paper and say:

"I shall shift into a wolf. My wolf form will have grey and dark grey guard hairs over most of its body, with brown fur underneath it, fading into cream with an off-white underbelly, under-tail, chest, front of neck, chin and cheeks. I can transform into my wolf or human form in seconds, while any other forms or combinations of forms will take a few minutes."

Touch the avian section and say: "I shall shift into an avian human. My wings will be able to support me perfectly. My wings will be a dark cobalt blue, almost black, with a tinge of purple. I can grow wings on my wolf form, on which they will be dark grey."

Touch the mermaid section and say: "I shall shift into a mermaid. My tail will be a dark pastel bluish-purple. I can grow a mermaid tail on my wolf form, on which it will be black and replace my wolf tail, not my back legs."

Touch the anthro section and say: "I shall shift into an anthropomorphic version of any of my forms."

Touch the dragon section and say: "I shall shift into a dragon. I shall control the elements of water and ice and my scales will be a deep blue. I can grow dragon wings, horns or spikes on my wolf form, as well as manifest my elements if I have grown my dragon features".

Touch the human section and say: "This is my base form, a human. In it I shall gain superhuman strength, flexibility, speed, agility, and endurance, as well as heightened senses. All my forms will have human taste and colour vision, as well as a human mind and full control."

Now say this spell:
"Water, wind, earth and fire,
Bring to me my greatest desire.
A wolf shapeshifter I will be,
And I can change so easily.
My other forms take quite some time,
But I can combine any, and they are all mine.
I can grow wings or a mermaid tail,
I can be an anthro without fail,
A dragon form is there too,
And I can change back to my human form true.
Mote it be and blessed be."

Now take the pentagram paper and fold it up, then say "mote it be" and dispose of it after the spell. Eat the sweet, and soak in the bath while focusing on the spell until you feel the power in you.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.