How to attract a new Love


Empty Notebook
Treasured Item
Piece of material or cloth bag


All you need for this easy love spell is a little faith in Yourself and a strong belief in the power of love. To attract the love of your life, you must believe that your soul mate is out there.

Spell Casting

The spell is best practiced early in the morning, preferably immediately after waking up when your mind is still half in the world of dreams. The night before, gather all your items and either wrap them in the piece of material or place them in the cloth bag and set them close to your bed so that you can easily reach for them.

The moment you wake up, place your treasured item next to you and light the candle. Take your notebook and pen. Close your eyes. Silently repeat the following affirmation several times:

   "May I find the love I seek. May the love I seek find me."

Begin to write whatever thoughts come to you. Do not censor yourself. Keep writing until you have to stop and think of something to write. Do not re-read what you have written. Close your notebook and carefully put away your materials. Do this every day for nine days. On the tenth day, burn all of the pages you have written. Gather up the ashes. At dusk, cast the ashes which contain the secret desires of your soul to the universe. Trust that the universe will respond to your call. Repeat this spell once a month until you are satisfied that your true love has felt your desire.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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