

A piece of sea glass
A pinch of salt
A candle
A lighter or match
A knife or other sharp object (a fingernail may suffice)


Speak to others in their minds. They can speak back to you. If you have a group of people, try all of you doing this spell so you can speak in their heads. Can be modified for more than 1 person.

Spell Casting

Light the candle. Into it, carve a pentagram, your name, and an eye. (If there are other people, have them do this too.) Hold up the sea glass. (Take turns saying the spell if there is more than 1 person.) Say:

"Let me speak within the minds of others
And let them reply within mine.
Give me telepathic powers
So I can send pictures and words to other minds.
Let the moon and sun shine upon me
As the other stars shine bright
And I will recieve my telepathy
Next month tonight.
So mote it be!"

(Note: If there is a group, you should say it together after everybody has chanted.) Sprinkle the salt over the candle, then blow it out. If there is a group, try to blow them all out at once. Soon you will be telepathic, and anybody else who did the spell should be too.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.